I'm Back!

hola! it has been a very looooong time since I've posted on this blog. and if you guys curious about where the last posts are, well actually all the postes has been deleted due to personal reasons hehe :p Well I just want to start fresh since I just turn 28 years! OMG! Congrats for being older. Ugh. Yet I feel so grateful and being blessed. So many good things happen for the past year! Alhamdulillah :)

Since it has been a while, I don't really know what to write about. I think I need some time to get back into this "writing mode" lol. But honestly, I want to share alot of things with you guys. Not just about what I am already been through, but maybe about the things I want to achieve in probably one, two or five years ahead. Also I will share lots of my thought with you guys ;)

I will tried my best to post once a week. Wish me luck!

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